Sorry! We're no longer accepting entries since it's more than five days after the submission deadline. Please contact with any questions.
Complete this form to submit your report to the Winter Field Day Association for review. Help is available by clicking the question icon next to an item on the form. Logs must be submitted by 11:59 UTC on March 1st to be considered. Late entries cannot be accepted. If you find an error in log after submitting, just correct your log and resubmit. The corrected version will replace the original you submitted.
Objectives claimed: Check each box as appropriate and include required proof of points with your submission. All objectives will be verified and added to your score.
I / We have observed and followed the WFDA guidelines and the governing regulations for amateur radio in my area. This report is accurate to the best of my knowledge. I / We agree to be bound by the decisions of the WFDA Board. Submission of this form indicates my / our agreement with these statements.
You'll have an opportunity to enter comments using a link in the confirmation email.
If you find an error after submitting your log, simply correct the error and resubmit.